AuverCare is a Predictive AI 24/7 Monitor for Patients and Elderly

Information on the Internet for Monitoring Patients and Elderly  If you are in the healthcare field or caring for an elderly or disabled person, you know all about trying to keep them safe. The internet is crowded with camera and audio monitors, wearable fall alert alarms, and the emergency services connected panic button. All these devices have one problem, they only work after there is a problem. What is Predictive AI? There has been a great deal of chatter since the 2016 announcement of a future predicting AI platform.  The article reported on this platform was Predicting the Future – especially use cases such as falls by the elderly. With the advances in the field of AI and object recognition and behavior that is based on data gathered from a variety of sensors, it is not really a stretch to see a predictive healthcare monitor come onto the scene. Predictive […]