Khadas recently announced the Mind 2 mini PC with an Intel Core 5 or 7 “Meteor Lake” mini PC. But the company is prepping the launch of another similar device called the “Khadas Mind 2 AI Maker Kit Dev Workstation” or “Intel Core Ultra Processor (Series 2) AI PC Dev Kit” with a 15th Gen Intel Core Ultra 7 258V “Lunar Lake” processor offering up to 115 TOPS of AI performance. I’ll just call it “Khadas Mind 2 AI Maker Kit” for shorts. The system ships with 32GB RAM and a 1TB SSD, and Khadas says the new system is designed specifically for developers working on AI PC applications, but apart from the faster SoC, it comes with similar features as the Mind 2. This includes HDMI 2.0 video output, two 40Gbps USB4 ports, Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax), and Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity, as well as two USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A ports […]
Intel Lunar Lake hybrid mobile processors to integrate on-chip LPDDR5X memory (MoP)
While Intel Meteor Lake mobile processors are yet to become available, we already have a leak that provides quite a lot of details about the next-generation Lunar Lake hybrid mobile processor family (LNL MX) with supports for 8W to 30W base power designs and 16GB or 32GB on-chip LPDDR5x memory (Memory-on-Package, or MoP) to deliver higher memory bandwidth at reduced footprint and power. Developed in collaboration with Microsoft, the new Lunar Lake processor will come with four P-cores and four low-power E-cores, a new generation NPU and GPU architecture for AI workloads, and improved power management for lower power consumption (40% scenario power reduction) and improved battery life. Four SKUs are currently planned with either 16GB or 32GB dual-channel LPDDR5X memory: Core 7 MS3 (+ MoP) – Octa-core “12M” processor with 4x P-cores, 4x E-Cores, 8-core Xe2-LPG GPU, and 6-tile (12K9M) NPU Core 5 MS1 (+MoP) – Octa-core “8M” processor […]
Intel aims to be the performance per watt leader by 2024 with Lunar Lake processors
Apple-designed Arm processors have shown it’s possible to get high-performance at relatively low power, and this has left competitors behind in that regard. But Intel aims to rectify that with the goal of becoming the “performance per watt leader” by 2024 with the new Lunar Lake processors manufactured with Intel 18A process. Intel also provided some details about families following Alder Lake processors with Raptor Lake expected later this year, Meteor Lake and Arrow Lake based on Intel 4 and 20A processes in 2023-2024 2022, and Lunar Lake expected in 2024+. Let’s have a look at what we know so far for each family. Intel Raptor Lake The Raptor Lake processors will rely on the same “Intel 7” process as Alder Lake processors, offer up to double-digit performance boost (translation: up to around 10% in specific workloads), up to 24 cores and 32-threads, better overclocking, support for AI M.2 modules […]