(Most of) FOSDEM 2015 Videos Are Now Online

FOSDEM 2015 took place on between the 31st of January and 1st of February, and while some sessions were not recorded on videos, most of them were, and the organizers are now slowly processing and uploading 402 videos to their server. So far 210 videos have been uploaded, including the Embedded Devroom. You can follow the upload status to check out when your preferred track/devroom sessions are uploaded. For example, “internet of things” videos have not been uploaded so far, so you’d need to be a bit more patient for this topic. One of such videos is “Upstream Allwinner ARM SoC (A10 / sunxi) support status”  by Hans de Goede, which includes the slides on the left and video of the right. This makes the presentation easy to follow (despite the slides being cropped), but probably explains why it takes so long to process the videos. http://video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-embedded/allwinner_upstream__CROPPED_PRES.mp4 You can also […]

FOSDEM 2015 Schedule – January 31 – February 1 2015

FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting) takes place every year during the first week-end of February. This year the developer-oriented event expects to bring over 5000 geeks to share ideas and collaborate on open source projects. Contrary to most other events, it’s free to attend, and you don’t even need to register, just show up. FOSDEM 2015 will take place on January 31- February 1 in Brussels. There will be 551 sessions divided into 5 keynotes, 40 lightning talks, 6 certification exams, and with the bulk being developer rooms and main tracks,  divided into 7 main tracks this year: Languages, Performance, Time, Typesetting, Hardware, Security and Miscellaneous. I’m not going to attend, but it’s still interested to see what will be talked about, and I’ve concocted my own little virtual program out of the main tracks and developers’ rooms. There’s a few minutes overlap between some talks […]

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