Building Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi (ARMv6)

I had previously written the instructions to build an older version of Chromium (via Berkelium) for ARM using Beagleboard/Overo rootfs in order to use it with Xibo digital signage. Recently I’ve been contacted by hexxeh, who maintains Chromium OS vanilla builds for x86 and MacOS computer, as he intends to provide Chromium OS for the Raspberry Pi, and you should be able to get a SD card image once everything is working from the site above. Today, I’ll post the steps followed to build Chromium OS LKGR (“the latest revision to pass only unit tests”) optimized for  ARMv6 processor with soft-float support, which is the type of processor (Broadcom BCM2835) used in the Raspberry Pi. Please note that although it can build, it still does not run properly and a few more changes are needed. First, you’ll need a fast machine to build Chromium OS in a reasonable amount of […]

HTML5 in a Plasma-Active World – ELC 2012

Danny Bennett, Principal Engineer at basysKom GmbH, talks about HTML5 in Plasma Active development environment at Embedded Linux Conference 2012. Abstract: With the explosion of mobile application development, there is a increasing demand for a common run-time environment across the many mobile platforms. The WAC (Wholesale Applications Community) along with the latest W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) specification HTML5 (HTML version 5) is a step in that direction. Using recent advances in widget/web application development tools and techniques such as Qt Quick and JavaScript. Using Plasma Active as a development environment we can show how to build and verify widget WAC compliancy using the online compliancy verification. This is done using the current version of Plasma-Active running on MeeGo, Mer and the upcoming Tizen platforms. Proving MeeGo, Mer and Tizen are good platforms as a basis to create WAC compliant HTML5 based web applications. You can […]

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