Understanding Windows 8.1 Licenses with MeegoPad T01 (and Other Intel Atom Bay Trail mini PCs)

MeegoPad T01 was initially announced as a dual boot Windows 8.1 and Android 4.4 HDMI Stick, and it became quite popular. But as it has recently started shipping, Android is gone, and people who receive it only have Windows 8.1 to play with. Unfortunately, as the review embedded at the end of this post clearly indicates it’s running with a Windows 8.1 trial version that needs to be activated and with an invalid serial number, so it can only be used for 30 days… Normally, I would not be so interested in a Windows 8.1 only device, but since many people seem to have acquired one, it’s probably useful to look into what can be done about the license.


So what could you do? There are several options:

  1. One person decided to buy a Windows 8.1 License. Cost? $119.99 + $7.20 for tax for a grand total of $127.19, or more than the device itself
  2. Use a pirated version. I’m not sure how to do, plus it’s illegal, and you’ll lose access to all security updates. Clearly not recommended.
  3. Boot Ubuntu from a USB drive instead. This requires quite a few steps, and Wi-Fi does not work, so you’d need a USB to Ethernet dongle.
  4. You could also try to negotiate a refund with a seller, either full or partial. That will teach them they should not sell products with trial versions of operating systems. With Ebay/Aliexpress, you’d usually have to pay for return shipping if you want a full refund, and if you have already confirmed reception it will be tricky. With DealExtreme, the company may also reimburse shipping fees (up to a certain percentage), as the product was not sold as described (TBC).

If you have not purchased one yet, it does not mean you should avoid this product, and potentially other Intel Atom Z3735 TV boxes and sticks, because there are actually two Windows 8.1 options, as shown on maketheone.com:

  • Windows 8.1 with Bing (Factory activated) – $139
  • Windows 8.1 Pro (30-day trial version) – $108 [Update: Apparently Microsoft does not allow this]

So it becomes clearly that most sellers have gone with the “cheaper” option, providing a 30-day trial of Windows with the device, and if you want something that works without spending an extra $120 or or, go the illegal route, or want to tinker with it and install Ubuntu, Android, or other operating systems (FreeDOS anyone?) you should insist on getting Windows 8.1 with Bing for an extra $29.

You may wonder why Windows 8.1 with Bing is free when you purchased a tablet, but should be $29 on mini PCs? Here’s the explanation from makeone? thanks to Ian Morrison (read comments section on G+ link):

Windows 8.1 with Bing and Windows 8.1 with Bing for Stick are two distinct versions, at least for now. The former is free for manufacturer’s of tablet’s under 9 inches, and some others as mentioned in the article you pasted here. The latter, however, is not free for manufacturers of “computer sticks”, as of yet. There might be changes in the future, but as of now, it is not free. This piece of information can be verified, if you delve deeper or ask Microsoft employees.

and after noticing there;’s no such thing as  “Windows 8.1 with Bing for StickTM”:

My apologies for complicating things. There is not an official name from Microsoft as “Windows 8.1 with Bing for Stick”, the name was used by the manufacturer, instead just calling it ‘OEM’.

So there you have it, if you don’t get the “free” 30-day trial version of Windows 8.1 Pro, you’d need to pay extra $29 at purchase to get a valid Windows 8.1 OEM license. God knows what happens if your Windows gets corrupted, as there’s obviously no “recovery CD”…

If you have other such low cost Windows 8.1 devices based on Intel Atom Bay-Trail SoCs such as Pipo X7, I’m sure others would be interested to read about your experience.

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10 years ago

How Pipo X7 can get free Windows with Bing?

10 years ago

Does anyone knows where can we get the Android for this stick???

10 years ago

To be quite honest I’ve never had any worries about licenses. I generally use Linux and when I do need Windows I just prefer stuff I can find on my local friendly torrent site. It’s not just the money that you need to pay for a Windows license, it’s just too much of a pain in the ass with the whole OEM which you can’t transfer and activation and update and all kinds of crap. The ones on the torrent sites come with the updates installed are activated with KMS. Not saying this is good and that people should do… Read more »

10 years ago

I agreed all what you wrote about. Like Pipo X7, one user confirmed “Windows is activated” on his device on Freaktab.
http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?21475-Freaktab-Developer-Review-Pipo-X7-Windows-8-1-TV-Box/page2 (Post #26)

I also like what Linuxium explained about on Freaktab.
http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?21475-Freaktab-Developer-Review-Pipo-X7-Windows-8-1-TV-Box/page8 (Post #145)

He demonstrated capabilities what this device can do as original advertise however this software support should come more from manufacturers or sellers side than we find the way ourself.

So I’m just a user and I hope I’ll get what I buy for as product described anyway thanks for all developers to make these little devices more stable, powerful and useful.

10 years ago

Hey Pipo, I don’t care about Windows. Just update the 32Bit UEFI to 64Bit and I will be a happy customer.

10 years ago

As if we don’t know what kmspico is…. Problem solved

10 years ago

Is it possible to install from pendrive our own Windows 8 or Windows 7 from MS Spark – Academic version?

10 years ago

I purchased a win 8.1 license off taobao for $20, in the future I’d rather spend $29 and get it with the Meego-t01.

I’ve got wifi running in Ubuntu 14.10. It’s pretty easy to get it up and running…even in a livecd environment.
or just wait a week or so, I’m making a modified Ubuntu Mate 14.10 x64 livecd including the 32-bit .efi, wifi driver/source, and updated grub2.
I’m still working on audio and getting very close, if I finish I’ll add it to the livecd

10 years ago

Just to be clear, since these devices use Intel chips, cannot *any* distro of Linux be installed i.e. not just Ubuntu? I prefer Mint Linux myself, specifically LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition).

Morgan Ross Egging
Morgan Ross Egging
10 years ago

I love this site, but please refrain from providing legal advice. In the US, and most everywhere else, providing legal advice can be dangerous for you, and you are not providing any service by doing so.

“… a pirated version. I’m not sure how to do, plus it’s illegal…”

We are every interested in your opinion on SOC’s but no one came here for your (incorrect) opinions on what is or is not legal in MY particular jurisdiction.

10 years ago

Dont use this Windows crap at all. Better use free and performant Linux. Micosoft can go to hell.

10 years ago

To Morgan Keep your judgment to yourself no one cane here for your opinion. Just because the website authour states something regarding legal issues does not make it ” legal advice”. The reviews are dine in a first person blog style as if the author were talking casually to you about his keen interests. The fact that you can differentiate between this keen interest and another subject that may be commented upon, whether that be a layman’s vernacular regarding rights enforceable by law or the weather for the next 7 days means that you should well know that he his… Read more »

10 years ago

@ Morgan Ross Egging
Why, piracy is not piracy (and illegal) in every corner of the world ??
Sorry, but I really don’t understand your comment… if you care to explain I will be glad to learn.

10 years ago

@darethehair I don’t see why not, as long as the distro can be made to support booting with efi in 32 bit mode. Support for baytrail-t chips in linux isn’t great, but it’s getting there. I’m working on Ubuntu first since it’s what I use. I installed XBMC in ubuntu 14.10 and it played back 1.2gb 20minute 1080p mkv with no dropped frames and about about 20% cpu usage across the cores. @onebir The pipo x7 should boot, but I’m not sure what wifi it has or any other quirks that may need to be resolved. You could also try… Read more »

10 years ago

the meegopad t01 and pipo x7 are all use the REALTEK 8723 wifi module.

10 years ago

Good to know – thanks Eric!

10 years ago

Nice, but can you also contribute these fixes to upstream Ubuntu or Ubuntu mate, by the time 15.04 become available?

10 years ago

I would like Intel to also offer a version of their stick with more ram/storage running Ubuntu, anyway to let them know?

Also I hope megoo, pipo can also offer it

10 years ago

So far it’s not source changes, but rather configuring the system that’s a bit difficult. The audio may require a patch, I’m still looking around for more info.

Good news! The livecd will probably work on it too.

I made a test iso of the Ubuntu Mate 14.10 livecd today. It boots and has working wifi, but I still need to work on getting it to install the 32-bit efi properly and ideally working audio would be nice.

10 years ago

I got the Ubuntu 14.10 liveusb booting on the meegopad, installed the system (on sdcard) but I didn’t manage to get it booting yet. The installation is fine but the efi grub and configuration are not there yet.

I was not able to find anyone who booted an installed system of ubuntu 14.10.

Is anybody interested in a joint effort to get ubuntu installed and booting correctly?

10 years ago

@Morgan Ross Egging

What exactly did he say that would get him in trouble? He said you shouldn’t pirate. But windows piracy is a big thing and somehow you can’t mention it? What the hell is wrong with you?

10 years ago

I built a Ubuntu MATE 14.10 livecd for the Meegopad-t01 specifically to have working wifi. It could probably be used for other baytrail devices.
It can also install onto the internal mmc…usb is a bit tricky if you already have the grub bootloader on the mmc.
This livecd probably won’t boot or install on systems with a 64-bit efi, but it’s great for those with 32-bit efi.

Install Video:

10 years ago

Interesting article on OEM pricing for “Windows 8.1 with Bing” here … http://www.zdnet.com/article/how-much-does-microsoft-make-from-pc-makers-with-windows-8-1/ … it is not free but zero dollars!

10 years ago

Free as in “free money” 😉

10 years ago

well I followed deadhp1 and purchased a win 8.1 license from taobao for €18, they make me receive from microsoft a mail containing a working license. For now it is a decent solution until a full working linux kernel with all driver is out.

10 years ago

@deadhp1 Thanks! I tried and it didn’t work for me initially, then I discovered that the main problem is booting from SD Card. I am trying to not affect the NAND Flash with Windows but it seems that, even if the boot option from SD Card is there, it does not really work. I assume is a bug or a not completed feature in the current UEFI BIOS. I think it would be great to find a source on where to find and how to upgrade the UEFI BIOS. The current one is buggy, it was just released before Xmas.… Read more »

10 years ago

Would licensed Windows 8 with Bing version of Meegopad be popular? Will test and prove next week.

10 years ago

hi, I got one of these stick computing things but cannot seen to boot from USB (try to install windows 7). in DOS it run through all the options by itself thus I cannot select to boot from USB! has anyone got this same problem? would love a solution. thx

9 years ago

@stewie Having the exact same problem as you with cycling through options, and even if I press enter while it is on the correct boot option, the screen will only flash and it continues cycling. The os it came with was unlicensed, and contained several chinese programs, albeit they looked legit, ie antivirus, wifi, etc. I tried uninstalling them and now windows refuses to boot at all, and considering I cannot boot from a flash drive either, I now have a $120 paper weight. My advice to anyone else considering a purchase would be to steer clear and wait for… Read more »

9 years ago

This has been an expensive lesson for being technically curious. Bought a MeeGo Pad T01 from Chinavasion, and found the ‘Trial’ Windows 8.1 was a blocked OEM key, and laden with malware incl. 2345 search engine hijacker, in total 12 pre installed Chinese programs. Feeling unsafe I created a bootable USB to wipe and reinstall a legit licensed version of Windows 8.1 but after wasting hours failing to reboot via F7 or BIOS boot options, I just found this thread which seems to confirm that others have tried and failed to do the same. When I first logged into my… Read more »

9 years ago

My T01 came with an activated version of Windows 8.1 with Bing. So far, yay! Ofcourse, it’s also filled with Chinese malware and other junk, so I reinstalled from a Windows 8.1 installation USB stick. (It will only start 32 bits Windows btw.) All I need now is to find out how I can re-activate my Windows 8.1 with Bing key. I used some tool to get the ‘Bing’ key from the original installation. This wouldn’t work with my retail installation stick, so I have to try and find out how to activate it. Essentially the ‘Bing’ version and the… Read more »

9 years ago


Perhaps you can try Advanced Tokens Manager by Josh Cell to backup the activation from the original installation and restore it in the new installation?

BTW can you share the process to reinstall Windows 8.1 x86 on this device please? Judging from the comments above, it seems that some users really had trouble reinstalling this device.

9 years ago

I’ll check that out, thanks. Although I see their website lists Win 8.1 only as partially supported. What I did to install a new Windows 8.1: Prepare USB install: I ‘made’ a Windows installation ISO using a Microsoft Media tool: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/create-reset-refresh-media . However, this will NOT make a With Bing version, so you’ll end up with the same problem I had. 😉 That tool will only make a Windows 7 or 8 regular or Professional version. So not relevant for the Meegopad. From another forum I found there’s an ISO called X19-57272_SW_DVD9_NTRL_Win_with_Bing_8.1_64BIT_English_OEM that can install a With Bing edition, but… Read more »

9 years ago

@willemd You splendid chap, I owe you a beer! Thanks so much for the tip re 32-bit only, I’d been going around in circles! I’d also purchased an external Samsung SE-208 USB DVD drive from Amazon (plus USB Y-cable), USB mini hub and HDMI extension cable – My spare Win 8.1 came with both 32 and 64-bit DVDs, and I’m pleased to report F7 boot allowed the DVD UEFI to boot with the 32-bit DVD where 64-bit had not worked. I’ve now blown away all partitions of the malware bloated illegal ‘trial’ OS, and will sleep easier tonight. Thanks again,… Read more »

9 years ago

Ohh I like beer. 😀

Anyway, a little later I found out that the ‘activated’ licence key that was in my original installation is just a hacked volume licence key that Microsoft has already blocked. (I typed in the first three characters and Google immediately added the rest. Haha.) So there goes the little trust I had in Chinese ebay sellers. 😉 I’m not sure what I’m going to do next, since a real licence key (OEM) costs almost as much as the Meegopad itself and that’s not worth it. I might try Ubuntu Linux.

9 years ago

Here are the MeeGo Pad T01 drivers, in case like me reinstalling Windows left driver gaps:


I recommend downloading the individual drivers for Z3000, Bluetooth, Wifi – the collection seems to have gaps


9 years ago
9 years ago

Is there any way to get digital audio from jack output?
I dont want to replace my good ol’ home theater amplifier just for this.

9 years ago

Has anyone tested if 8.1 trials can be changed to 8.1 with bing via DISM?

paulo s g
paulo s g
9 years ago

How could I purchace the windows with bing licence?

9 years ago

@Marius just delete activation programs alltogheter wlms folder in system32 and remove watermark then delete full screen activation screen

9 years ago


dism sucks it can only work if you do not reduce winsxs folder which is 5gb up i reduced mine to 20 mb

9 years ago

I have tried for hours and hours to try and install Ubuntu on 3 meegopad T02 sticks my company got for kiosks. I have spent at least 20-30 hours trying to install Ubuntu. The problem is Atom Baytrail uses a 64bit OS but for some reason through a horrible design flaw, only can boot with 32bit booter/UEFI shell. I have tried 3-4 major well documented tutorials i have found on the web over and over with 5 different versions of Ubuntu and I kid you not nothing worked. Every time i ran into errors following the guides step by step,… Read more »

8 years ago

Matt, I don’t get your problem. You can run Ubuntu 32-bit from Linuxium on MeegoPad without any problems. Why would you need 64-bit OS?

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