Getting Started with Onion Omega2+ LEDE WiFi IoT Board and Expansion Dock

Onion Omega2 LEDE (OpenWrt fork) WiFi board is powered by Mediatek MT7688 MIPS SoC, targets IoT projects, and sells for as low as $5. There are actually two versions: Omega2 with 64MB RAM, 16MB flash, and Omega2+ with 128MB RAM, 32MB flash and a micro SD slot. Onion sent me the latter for review, together with an expansion dock that allows powering up the board though USB , and adds a USB host port, an RGB LED, buttons, and access to GPIO via a female header. In this quick start guide, I’ll start by taking some unboxing pictures, and then report my experience following the documentation to configure the board, blink the RGB LED, and control a LED on a breadboard using a GPIO from the header.

Onion Omega2+ Unboxing

I received the two boards in their respective package, and which are both stored in anti-static bags.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Let’s check Onion Omega2+ board first. The top includes a chip antenna and an u.FL connector for an external antenna, as well as the main components covered by a shield with some info like FCC ID, and the MAC address with the last four digits (hexits?) in bold since they are used to access the board. The bottom of the board are two rows of headers, and a micro SD card slot. There’s also a footprint for another header or connector, but I could not find out the details.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Next up is the dock. We have a 2x 15-pin female header with clear marking for the pins that include power signals, GPIOs, I2C, UART, and USB.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

The button on the top is for power, the one at 45 angle is the reset button, and we also have a micro USB port for power, a USB port for storage, an RGB LED, and the header for Onion Omega2 board.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Plugging Omega2 into the dock is very easy, and the only thing you have to check is that it is inserted correctly.

Onion-Omega2-vs-LinkIt-Smart-7688Onion Omega2+ is not my first Mediatek MT7688 board, as I’ve reviewed LinkIt Smart 7688 too, and took side-by-side picture of both boards for comparison. Omega2+ is smaller, but LinkIt Smart board already include a micro USB port for power.

Initial Setup for Onion Omega2 and Expansion Dock

I normally test the documentation as much as I test the board, and after a web search, I ended up on that Getting Started page. However, it was for Onion Omega, the first version of the board introduced in 2015, and while the instructions are similar, they are not quite the same. Finally, I found the actual Omega2 Wiki, and could successful complete the setup with some efforts.

I’ll be using a computer running Ubuntu 16.04 to access the board, but it also works with Windows with Bonjour Service, and Mac OS X.

The Zeroconf services is needed to play with the board unless you access the board directly with its IP, but it’s normally already installed in Linux distriutions, so we are good to go. First we need to connect a micro USB to USB cable to a power source like the USB port of your computer, and turn on the board with the power switch.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

At first both the RGB LED on the dock and Omega2+ LED will turn on for a short time, after which the RGB LED will turn off, and Omega2 LED will blink for a few seconds, and once the LED stops blinking and remains solid the boot is done.


You should then see an new “Omega-XXXX” access point in your WiFi networks, where XXXX is the last digits of your MAC address shown on bold on the board. We now need to connect to the access point using password: 12345678

Omega2 Web Configuration

One it’s done, open a web browser and go ti or http://omega-XXXX.local/ to access Omega2 Setup Wizard.


Click Start to login with the default credentials (username: root ; password:onioneer), and the next page will let you connect the board to your WiFi router.Omega-Onion2-WiFi-Configuration

Selection you ESSID, input you WiFi password. and clikc on “Configure WiFi“. Omega-Onion2-Cloud

The wizard offers you to register your board to the cloud, but this is completely optional, and you could simply select Skip Step to go to the next step (firmware update). But I tried to registered the device to the cloud for this review.Onion-Cloud-RegistrationYou’ll need to provide your name, an email address and a password to register an account first.Onion-Omega2-Cloud-NameYou’ll then be asked for a device name and a description to confirm the registration.Onion-Cloud-Connection-failedSadly this step failed and I got the window above. Clicking on the red cross button did nothing. If I login to the cloud service, I can see the board listed, but detected as offline. I’m not the only one to have this issue, and Onion developers are looking into it.

Onion-Omega2+-Firmware-Update-ConsoleSo instead I went to the next step to upgrade the firmware and install Console web-based virtual desktop.Onion-Omega2-Firmware-Download-StuckThis also failed as the progress bar did not move at all, and I waited for around 20 minutes. I could also see my router’s DHCP server gave an IP address to the board, so it should have been able to connect to the Internet.

Omega2 Command Line Configuration

So I used to backup configuration method, using the command line as explained in the documentation. You just need to SSH the board as root with the same password as in the web configuration (onioneer):

Note Ω-ware firmware version is 0.1.5 b130.

wifisetup allows you to scan the network, and connect the board to your router:

Good. Firmware update failed in the web setup wizard, but we can retry it with oupgrade command line:

The firmware could be downloaded, and it looked like the system rebooted as I lost access to SSH terminal. The LED was still on for a while after it happened, then the LED went off (forever), at least longer than the 15 seconds listed in the documentation, and in that case they explain you need to power cycle the board. I used the power switch on the expansion dock to do so.

The board LED blinked for a pretty long time (maybe 2 minutes), but eventually it stopped and remained solid, and I could login to the board:

The firmware was updated to version 0.1.7 b139, so all good even though the whole setup did not go 100% smoothly. In case something goes really wrong and you can’t access the board at all, you could try to do a Factory Restore by pressing and holding the reset button for 10 seconds then releasing it.

Omega2 LEDE System Info

Since we’re done with the configuration, let’s quickly check some system info:

So we have a relatively recent kernel (Linux 4.4), 24.4MB space available to the user, 125664 KB total memory, and a MIPS 24KEc processor…

Controlling Omega2’s Dock RGB LED (via PWM)

We can start playing with the GPIO on the board starting with the RGB LED on the dock  that should be connected to pin 15, 16 and 17. The documentation explains expled sample can be used for this and we can see the R, G, B hexadecimal values. I want to show red color only, and I set blue and green to zero:

Oops, segfault. Let’s try something else like a pinkish color:

It runs, but the RGB LED remains off. It’s not an hardware problem since the RGB LED turns on at boot time. expled is actually a bash script that can be found in /usr/bin/expled and calls “fast-gpio“program which access GPIOs directly without using sysfs. Maybe it’s another firmware issue.

Controlling Omega2 GPIOs – LED example

In order to play with the expansion header, I connected a 5V LED to a breadboard together with two resistors and a transistor (for 3.3 to 5V conversion), and connected it to pin 1 on the header.

Click to Enlarge

We’ve already seen fast-gpio tools in expled script, but I used another GPIO tools for the LED, namely gpioctl that relies on sysfs.

We first need to set the GPIO pin as an output pin using the dirout command (dirin would set it as an input):

We can now turn the LED on by setting GPIO 1 to HIGH with dirout-high option:

The get command above will check the value of the pin. The LED did turn on as it should, and we can turn it off with dirout-low option:


If you want to use multiplexed pin with I2C, SPI, UART, PWM, I2S… you’ll need to check out omega2-ctrl program. I have not tried it for this guide to keep it short.

Onion Omega2 and BreadBoards

Many similar small IoT board are designed to fit on a breadboard, but Onion Omega2 board’s header pins are using 2 mm pitch, not 2.5 mm pitch, so they can’t be used with a breadboard directly. Instead, you’d have run wires from the board to the breadboard or purchase a BreadBoard Dock as pictured below.

If you do not have a dock, or breadboard expansion board, you can still power the Omega2 module/board using a 3.3V power source for example with a regulator such as LD1117, or something like YwRobot MB102 breadboard power supply.

If you are interested in getting a board, you may have to wait as while Omega Expansion Dock sells for $14.99 on Onion store, Omega2 boards are not listed yet. For reference, Omega2 board went for $5, and Omega2+ board for $9 on Kickstarter. [Update: While the Kickstarter campaign is now finished, you can still get on Indiegogo for the same price, and that includes shipping].

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Mark Birss
Mark Birss
8 years ago

Thank you for the review and getting started guide, im am still awaiting the arrival of my Omega2. Im am eager to see the functionality the cloud service ( will offer.

8 years ago

What’s the use case for devices like this? Do you have any consumption numbers?

8 years ago

Hmm… weird. Those ‘powerful quad core Linux boards’ cost less (at least OPi Zero), idle at the same consumption level but can be run with a sane software stack. If I see the output above (downloading ‘firmware’ from a HTTP and not a HTTPS link, countless error messages, stuff not working) at least it’s obvious to not trust in any software offerings from this vendor and especially no ‘services’ they might offer. I wouldn’t allow such a device access to my normal network and especially not the Internet. 🙂

itchy n scratchy
itchy n scratchy
8 years ago

@tkaiser so you seriously compare opi w/ third party sw to this board with the mfgr sw… Shaking my head!
especially after having read your rants about killing cores and such, but we all know allwinner sdks are perfect and opi are the only source for perfect sw in this universe.

Same strange thing with 1t1r and 2.4Ghz bashing. But the latter seems to be en vogue in good ole germany.

8 years ago

How many devices can onion omega connect at a time ? I am looking for a wifi device which can connect 50 devices can any one suggest thank you

Mark Birss
Mark Birss
8 years ago

Hope to receive soon however South African mail processing so slow.

8 years ago

Some 2mm to 2.54mm converters might help:

But you might need 2 breadboards.

Otherwise another trick is to use connectors of old IDE laptop 2.5 harddrives.

8 years ago

I have great respect for the price/performance of the Orange Pi Zero, but it will still be expensive for below use case given need for $4 class 10 4-8 GB SD card plus $7 for the 256MB version.

Question: Can the $5 Omega2 be used to stream video via WiFi from a USB camera?

What fps and resolution (E.g., 640×480) can be supported? How about WiFi range with/out external antenna?

8 years ago

Great, thanks. I could probably use Motion in place of mjpg_streamer as well.

I am assuming WiFi here is pretty stable.


Re:16MB onboard storage on Omega2, do you know if this is user space, or we have to exclude 4-8MB for LEDE OS?

8 years ago

@Athar Unbelievable. You’re still in the ‘don’t want to pay anything but expect superior performance/stability’ mode. This here is also IoT/crap WiFi (1TR1, 2.4 GHz, no one is stupid enough to benchmark this since it’s useless anyway. 2.4 GHz band is overcrowded almost everywhere and results depend more on environment than anything else. You would need MT7628 that comes with a 2T2R antenna if you’re interested in stuff like ‘bandwidth’). And then it’s funny that you add the costs for an SD card to a real dev board while you miss the costs of the rather expensive Expansion board you… Read more »

8 years ago

@tkaiser You are THE funny guy at Armbian. I do enjoy your outbursts which mix fact with fantasy. Crap is your favorite word ! I simply looked at a specific use case which does not require an expansion board. Plus one can always hang a copper coil as a bigger antenna- how much could that really bust your budget? Made it very clear that OPi0 still is my #1 choice overall. But there are different applications; this one can be done nicely with an OPi0 as server for many WiFi networked Omega2 enabled USB streaming cams. Check out that LinkIt… Read more »

8 years ago

Here is another nice review of the MT7688 based LinkIt, Jan 2016, except of course Omega2 is much cheaper ( sans its shields):

I like the node.js part.

1. Can anyone comment on the Wifi range/throughput/ stability except label it with the very scientific “crap” ?

The chip WiFi support is single input-single output 1T1R BGN, and I intend to use the Omega2 as video streaming client that connects to one particular server only.

2. Same for video streaming performance?

8 years ago

Both Wemos D1 Mini and Omega2 seem to have a Arduino Uno “base” and compared with Omega2’s own, Wemos shields are quite cheap.

Are Wemos shields “compatible” with Omega2?

Does Omega2 look better than Wemos D1 Mini?

8 years ago

They are two different products.
One is running OpenWrt while the other don’t.

8 years ago

@itchy n scratchy Huh? Why are you talking about Allwinner SDKs and OPi software offerings? As an Armbian user and contributor I’m neither using the former nor the latter since both aren’t that great (OPi hardware is quite the opposite). There’s also no need to use Allwinner’s stupid default settings (that’s why we spend so much time with testing and optimizing settings — that might consume more of 50% of my time contributing to Armbian and linux-sunxi community) I was talking about being able to run a sane software stack on those cheap IoT devices which is something that works… Read more »

itchy n scratchy
itchy n scratchy
8 years ago

@tkaiser that was exactly my point. Without sunxi’s and your work allwinner would be useless, same with all those mips from ralink(now mtk) atheros and others without the openwrt/lede community those are not worth the sand the wafer was made of…

Regarding wifi i didnt realise he was talking about mjpeg, for postal stamp size thats ok i guess 😉

Coming back to h.264 there you have the choice between playing with cedrus (working with h3 already?) or the anti gpl allwinner solution. I guess we should wait for cedrus to get ready on newer cpus.

8 years ago

@itchy n scratchy If you meant my question, I never said mjpeg necessarily- it was a reference to cnx post linking Omega2 streaming at 25fps and 640*480 res if I recall. My point is: I don’t care about format. If neither the USB cam or the Omega2 can’t transcode to mjpg efficiently (why not, with AR9331 OoenWrt doing that?) why can’t we just transmit over wifi the YUV/ RGB frames to OPi0 and let OPi0 process? Are we saying Omega2 with OpenWrt cannot do HW acceleration, but that HW acceleration is available on Armbian ( Allwinner based Cedrus from what… Read more »

8 years ago

@itchy n scratchy ( Continued from earlier comment; 5 min edit problem 😉 ) The main issue is communication from Armbian, much like it is with Xunlong. Just because there is good and volunteer tech work being done doesn’t mean it is being understood. Why can’t they write a nice FAQ on all these big issues: HW acceleration, the difference between Allwinner and Armbian-used drivers and any integration, wifi-other main driver progress, mainlining status, comparison with other ARM SBCs,… But they want to spend 50% time on repairing SD cards which they keep calling crap, another 30% on power issues.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Martin, cnxsoft I have a TCO (total cost of ownership) concern. Omega2 at $5 costs same as ESP based Wemos D1 Mini and similar, but has far better specs. While ESP is hands down the (slow speed) IoT choice with lots of support, it unluckily cannot do any reasonable USB cam video streaming (say 648*480 @15-20 fps.) So I want to find out if there is enough physical pin compatibility between the very cheap Wemos shields, $1.50 to $5, and Omega2, as opposed to Omega2 $15+ shield prices: SHT30 Shield for WeMos D1 mini SHT30 I2C digital temperature and humidity… Read more »

8 years ago

Your level of ignorance is amazing 🙂

So you think the single core MIPS CPU on the Omega2 can do video transcoding? You ignore my statement about bandwidth requirements for MJPEG (the best you could get from a connected cheap USB cam) compared to eg. h.264? Your TCO calculation ignores the fact that an USB cam needs 5V while Omega2 needs 3.3V (this problem is ‘solved’ by the $15 Expansion Dock). And so on… good luck remaining in the reality distortion field you’re into 🙂

8 years ago

@tkaiser For some reason I got your comment via email but not here yet…Maybe cnx needs to fix the message review process. It’s RDF that counts and gets the best hacks done ! 1. You are still shy about OPi0 wifi condition while you poo pooh everyone else. At least you are not using the crap word, so improving … 😉 2. Why can’t we transmit this JPEG over 640*480*10fps= 3Mbps, even less? Your own shabby OPi0 xr819 can do 3.75 Mbps as of yesterday. This Omega2 puppy should do much better, OpenWRT tuned for WIFi QoS, with a cheap… Read more »

8 years ago

I am now more impressed with the $5 Omega2 looking at the HW specs, and the fact its 16MB flash handles a full fledged, well regarded, now LEDE enhance-in-progress, OpenWRT OS plus leaves 10 MB spare for user apps. Desirable successor to the expensive LinkIt 7688 with tested HW. I would say worth the softwares-fix wait. Good for many IoT and light applications. No (expensive + inconvenient= *crap*) SD card needed: Just look at the MT7688 bullet features and then the color pinout. 1. The chip has a built in 5 port Etherswitch with GPIO pins onboard for Ethernet… Read more »

8 years ago

@Jean-Luc Aufranc (CNXSoft) Good. They only let you order one at a time, but heck it is free shipping to many countries including Canada. So I did it 3 times. Certainly Omega2 can do adequate USB cam web streaming as your LinkIt link and later my OpenWrt AR9331 link shows ( MT7688 having better specs) for half the price ($5 SBC+ $0.50 for LM1117 reg + jack + wire + DIY ext antenna) of an equivalent OPi0 setup ($7 256 MB version + $4 SD card) with the same 5V PSU. Plus it has Fast Ethernet pinouts, maybe another USB2… Read more »

8 years ago

Continuing from my last comment ( only 5 min edit allowed): See this, under Specifications between board pics: Says 5V power input from micro OTG USB port, 3.3V operating ! So, if same MT7688 chip as it says, problem solved with 3.3 vs 5V. Maybe that is why people have issues trying to power OTG with 3.3V ? So well it does then make sense to use uUSB OTG for power; was wrong above. I might have to take back my micro OTG USB remark with virtual Eth capability. This port might not be a true USB port, just… Read more »

8 years ago

@tkaiser Stumbled upon the Open Wrt wiki here, with real world results for mjpg-streamer: And Omega2 has better specs. Yes I mixed up couple things, but RDF works in its own ways 😉 Or maybe there is a transparent mode WiFi. So now all your WiFi bw, CPU and PSU on Omega2/MT7688 objections are met. This also means minimal load on OPi0 server. Can’t do much about your OPi PR: based allegedly on your suggestion, they released a USB3-SATA board for the OPi0 that costs as much with a USB2 interface. Or shall we say that against industry trend,… Read more »

8 years ago

Athar : Certainly Omega2 can do adequate USB cam web streaming OMG, still trapped in reality distortion field? I highly doubt anyone is reading through all these weird comments but just in case: the whole idea is BS. The Omega2’s SoC isn’t powerful enough to do any encoding/transcoding so in case the output of any USB camera has to be streamed the camera must do the encoding already. That means it’s either JPEG/MJPEG capable (more expensive) but then you need a completely free radio channel and a pretty short distance between AP and Omega2 to get any reasonable framerates since… Read more »

8 years ago


If AR9331 can do it, so can MT7688.
Anyway we are simply repeating ourselves.

For $5.50 Omega2 vs $$11 OPi0 (much higher for OPi Lite + CSI cam), we know which can win.

Btw, also:

Omega2 has good WiFi range, plus DIY antenna. Free channel no problem.

“Insanely high jpeg BW…”
How much really? What fps?

8 years ago

Athar : Obviously you fail to understand ‘Just need a decent webcam’ (last sentence there) and fail to realize that there’s a difference between the cheap camera crap from Aliexpress you’re looking after and the used Logitech C270 (which costs even more than an OPi Lite + 2MP cam from Xunlong). Good luck with the rather stupid ‘buy the cheapest crap possible and expect wonders’ approach. 🙂 BTW: bandwidth needed depends on settings and video content (low light condition –> less bandwidth needed), bandwidth available depends mostly on environment (distance between client and AP, (concrete) walls in between or… Read more »

8 years ago


Again more cliches about it, “all depends.” But no hard numbers, or even rough examples !

Bottom line: You don’t have much knowledge of Omega2 like most others; but you are fully vested in OPi that your glowing recommendations are damaging.

8 years ago

itchy n scratchy : Coming back to h.264 there you have the choice between playing with cedrus (working with h3 already?) or the anti gpl allwinner solution. I guess we should wait for cedrus to get ready on newer cpus. See comment #36 above. We can make use of Allwinner’s video engine with open source drivers now even for video encoding on most if not all currently available Allwinner SoCs. This is still more or less a proof of concept but it works. And h.264 streams fortunately can be transmitted over crappy WiFi in worst case conditions unlike MJPEG. We… Read more »

8 years ago

Athar : @tkaiser Again more cliches about it, “all depends.” But no hard numbers You won’t believe it but I bought this software here: Just to run around with a MacBook Pro at customer’s location to create WiFi coverage maps to be able to optimize kind of and position of the APs (we usually recommend/use Ubiquiti here). So unlike you I have at least some experiences with and knowledge about real-world WiFi, the limitations and the nature of this thing (this is the ‘all depends’ stuff since it’s shared media). Same with video streaming. We implemented various solutions at… Read more »

8 years ago

commenting on the actual article might be weird after reading the plethora of comments, but I’d just like to say that this getting started tutorial was great! I was having issues with the gpio and this got me back on track =)

8 years ago

cnxsoft :
Bear in mind that while there are still problems with the firmware, Onion Omega2 is not for sale yet, and Kickstarter backers have only started to receive their board. I’m sure it will improve over time.

Oh, I totally overlooked that Onion devs pushed DT changes to support the Omegas already upstream so no need to trust in dubious firmware images since official LEDE with latest 4.4 LTS kernel can be used too 🙂

And community already started to fix/enhance things. Funny to see Nita (WereCatf) busy on almost every IoT device around:

8 years ago


Nice to see you are waking up 🙂
This board is going to be a winner, just like CHIP is now, given the already solid MT7688 and LEDE support. The big problem with LinkIt was price.

Igor Pecovnik
8 years ago

> This board is going to be a winner, just like CHIP is now,

CHIP is a hype, while is technological near to obsolete. This Onion2 is yet another device, for which is too soon to predict anything. Choosing Mediatek silicon for v2 brings even more uncertainty to the game.

Commercial success and technical specs are unfortunately not linked so doing success assumptions based on tech data is waste of time 🙂

Igor Pecovnik
8 years ago

@Jean-Luc Aufranc (CNXSoft) >it’s been a crowdfunding success Sure, but I don’t care about that when comparing devices based on their technical specs. In this particular case this is more on their “possible potential based on specs”. I am sceptical with those things by default. To fool the crowd, you don’t need to have a good product, actually you don’t even need one. A promise is enough. And of course you need a good marketing department to sell this story and some luck of course. Raising big expectations reminds me on Pine64 and many other “selling utter bullshit” successful campaigns.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Igor We are repeating old arguments here. Market failures don’t mean there should be no customer emphasis – no risk, no reward, as entrepreneurs say. And technology superiority doesn’t imply taking good spec parts into a crap product ! You don’t have to build Edsels out of Lexus parts. How do you explain the fact that a volunteer “designer” touts his recommendation of the USB3SATA shield for the USB2 based OPi0, but not for higher priced USB3 models? And then he talks about a new motherboard to fit this SATA shield ? On Armbian and now here I constantly see… Read more »

8 years ago

@Igor Pecovnik
IMO CHIP and Omega2 can be directly compared. Vendor targeting clueless Kickstarter/Indiegogo crowd, brilliant marketing, boring hardware, base product made extremely cheap and then cashing in on the many add-ons that are necessary to do something useful with these gadgets. Pine64 is comparable too but there software and support situation (especially some weird moderators constantly spreading BS in their own forum and fooling users almost all the time) is really worse compared to CHIP… no idea how situation with these Omegas evolves. Time will tell.

Buminda Nawagamuwa
8 years ago

Great tutorial…thanks for sharing..

7 years ago

Someone made some 2mm to 2.54mm converters here:

7 years ago

I got mine and didn’t realize the dock was a requirement. Can this be used without the dock? Is there a pin explaination somewhere?

7 years ago

I ordered this board, soldered the Omega2 on there, soldered the headers, now it fits on 2 breadboards, but I still need to solder some wires to make the connections. I will post a picture once it is ready.

7 years ago

anyone used and had working the i2s outs pins recognized/available as an alsa device (aplay or mpg123) ? thanks

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